Shooting Script Films and BAFTA-winning animation studio King Rollo Films launched a cheerful, animated short-form web series Streetcat Bob, inspired by the true life story of a ginger stray made famous by the 2016 film A Street Cat Named Bob. The first 90-second episode is available now, with additional adventures set to arrive weekly via the official website and YouTube channel.
The real life Bob was found injured and rescued by busker James Bowen in 2007, and the pair soon became an inseparably duo and common sight on the streets of London. Their interspecies friendship inspired a series of books, the feature film, and now an animated Bob (wearing his trademark scarf) takes center stage in the new series, which follow his back-alley adventures with a cast of animal friends.
Streetcat Bob is aimed at preschoolers, and is written and created by Debbie Macdonald (Peppa Pig, Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom) and Garry Jenkins (A Street Cat Named Bob). King Rollo (Maisy, HUMF) handles the animation, and the shorts are produced by Adam Rolston and Luke Melia at Shooting Script, the company behind the feature film adaption. Bowen served as executive producer.
[Source: The Hollywood News]