BBC has launched the official trailer for its highly anticipated, animated miniseries adaptation of Richard Adams’ Watership Down. The CG spot gives us a look at Hazel, Fiver, Bigwig and their various lupine foes and allies in action, caught in the drama of their quest to find and protect a new home like a hare on a wire. Online chatter likens the trailer to Game of Thrones, and certain shots — like an avian ally swooping in to help the rabbits during a nighttime attack — certainly invite the comparison.
The miniseries, which will premiere on BBC One in the U.K. on December 22 and arrive on Netflix worldwide December 23, retells the animal epic first published in 1972. Adapted for the screen by Tom Bidwell and directed by Noam Murro, the voice cast is lead by James McAvoy (Hazel), Nicholas Hoult (Fiver), John Boyega (Bigwig), Gemma Arterton (Clover), Ben Kingsley (General Woundwort), Olivia Colman (Strawberry) and many other talented performers.
Read more about the project in the January ‘19 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 286).