In a new spot for Gas Networks Ireland, London-based Seed Animation has recreated the colorful charm of papercraft animation with top-notch digital artistry. The 40-second spot, which introduces fully renewable gas to Ireland, follows a character named Dan on a quick countryside stroll that feels as handmade and full of depth as a stop-motion piece.
The effect was accomplished by first creating most of the props — from buildings and vehicles down to tiny toothbrushes the length of a fingernail and miniscule kitchen whisks — in paper, and then rebuilding these miniature works of art in CGI. Much research was poured into the qualities of different types of paper, folds, where cuts should be and how characters should move for a convincing stop-motion effect. The artists strove to celebrate the tactile, imperfect beauty of papercraft and incorporate the subtle human errors like paper tears and camera shakes that enrich stop-motion films.
Watch the final product “Progress Naturally” and check out the fascinating making-of video below! Learn more at
Gas Networks Ireland 'Progress Naturally' from Seed Animation Studio on Vimeo.
Gas Networks Ireland 'Progress Naturally' Making of from Seed Animation Studio on Vimeo.