One Animation has announced the appointment of Planeta Junior (part of Grupo Planeta / De Agostini) as its European licensing agent for the global smash hit animated series, Oddbods. The Barcelona-based agency will build a vibrant licensing program for the quirky slapstick characters in categories including apparel, accessories, back to school, home & giftware, and publishing.
The studio has also announced multiple multi-category deals across the Benelux region, brokered by CPLG.
A collection of arts and crafts products, coloring books, stationery, partyware, games and puzzles will be launched in the first half of 2020 by DP Factory. The first wave of product will be hitting shelves in Benelux in Spring/Summer 2020.
Also launching SS 2020, and further boosting Oddbods’ presence in Benelux, Speelgoedland is set to launch accessories, arts and crafts, bags, watches, pocket money toys and stationery, satisfying the insatiable demand for consumer products in the region.
Consumers in the U.K. will be able to both celebrate and get organized with the Oddbods, as Playpress readies a range of 3D pop-out greeting cards and calendars for launch in Autumn/Winter ‘19, along with playsets based on the popular animation.
“The Oddbods brand is on an unbelievable trajectory of growth which is showing no signs of slowing,” said Sashim Parmanand, CEI of One Animation. “We’re thrilled to have some best in class partners joining our consumer products program and are looking forward to working closely with them to roll out fun, first class products from later this year.”