The first edition of the Accra Animation Film Festival has wrapped up in Ghana, featuring the third regional round of the Pan-African Animation du Monde pitch contest preliminaries. The three top contenders selected at AAFFia which will continue on to the Continental Finals at DISCOP Johannesburg later this year are:
Meet the Igwes by Chekwube Okonkwo (Nigeria)
JujuCups by Selorm Dogoe (Ghana)
Message Beats by Natasha Nayo & Lizz Johnson (Ghana)
The inaugural AAFFia highlighted the importance of audience access to animated content, which is crucial for the industry’s growth and evolution. Animation du Monde is another big part of the equation, as it provides education, networking and a platform for creatives to market their ideas.
One of the core missions of Animation du Monde is to enable developing industries like Africa to grow. West Africa as a growth market is attracting the attention of the world. Stories coming from this region have the potential to live alongside well-known commercial properties. With the 60th Annecy International Animated Film Festival and MIFA market celebrating Africa as the region of honor next year, it’s the perfect time to construct a platform for creators across the continent to showcase their work and present it to the world in 2020.
The call for the fourth prelim of the Pan-African Animation du Monde, taking place at Nairobi Comic Con (NAICCON), is currently open. Contestants have until August 11 to submit their project (submit here). Video pitches will be accepted for those not able to attend the preliminary regional round at NAICCON, however, candidates who are able to attend the event will be given preference. The competition regulations can be viewed here.
[Source: African Animation Network]