Supinfocom graduate student film The Stained Club is now available to watch online for free on Vimeo! The short has racked up more than 30 awards from all over the world, including the Jury Prize at the SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival, the UNICEF Award from Cartoons on the Bay and the Animago Award for Best Young Production.
Directed by Melanie Lopez, Simon Boucly, Marie Ciesielski, Alice Jaunet, Chan Stéphie Peang and Beatrice Viguie, the touching short centers on a boy named Finn who has luminous “stains” on his body. He meets a group of cool kids who are also marked by their own stains, and comes to understand what their glittering marks really mean.
Read more about The Stained Club in Ramin Zahed’s story, and check out a special Making Of video here.
The Stained Club from The Stained Club on Vimeo.
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