India’s Animation Masters Summit, hosted by Technopark-based Toonz Media Group, is a prestigious event that brings together the greatest minds in the field of entertainment. While the summit is held every year in the city of Trivandrum, Kerala, this year in response to the evolving circumstances, Toonz is taking its flagship event to the next level.
Toonz Media Group has therefor announced Animation Masters Summit 2020 – Digital. The five-day event will be held over the Zoom virtual platform from July 20 to 24, 2020. Interested participants can register for the event for free by logging on to
“Animation Masters Summit is part of the Toonz legacy, and the first edition of the event was held in 1999, the year when Toonz was established. Over the years, AMS has evolved and now, because of the prevailing circumstances, we are hosting AMS 2020 virtually,” said Toonz Media Group CEO P. Jayakumar. “The most exciting aspect of Animation Masters Summit – Digital edition is that anybody from any part of the world can be a part of this event. In that sense, AMS has scaled up manifold by going digital and becoming truly global. Participation in the event is free and open to all. We expect to reach out to a wide, diverse audience through the virtual event.”
In tune with prevailing circumstances, the theme for AMS 2020 – Digital is `Connecting Minds: Unravelling New Possibilities’. As always, the stellar speaker line-up for AMS 2020 consists of masters from diverse fields in the entertainment industry who will lead the virtual sessions. Confirmed speakers for AMS 2020 include acclaimed animation feature editor Fabienne Rawley of Zootopia fame; veteran Indian cinematographer Ravi K Chandran, whose works include Virasat, Dil Chahta Hai, Black and Kannathil Muthamittal; renowned Bollywood composer Shantanu Moitra (Parineeta, Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi, Lage Raho Munnabhai); and Quentin Staes-Polet, gaming expert and General Manager India and SEA, Epic Games.
The event will also have panel discussions, involving industry leaders who will discuss exploring new ways for the entertainment and content production industry to collaborate and stay ahead of the challenges in the post-pandemic situation.
Established in 1999 as the first significant animation industry event in Asia, Animation Master Summit (previously known as Week with the Masters) is a not-for-profit event organized by Toonz Media Group that seeks to bring together animation experts and leading professionals from around the world to showcase their mastery of the craft. AMS also provides a platform for young artists seeking knowledge and inspiration to interact with these masters.