The next big adult animated comedy heading to Netflix, Hoops has revealed a first-look teaser alongside the release date and new cast members announcement Monday. The series centers on a hot-headed, foul-mouthed high school basketball coach (voiced by Jake Johnson), who thinks turning around his god-awful team will take him to the “big leagues” and turn his miserable life around.
Premiering August 21 on Netflix.
Hoops is created by Ben Hoffman, who executive produces alongside Seth Cohen, M. Dickson, Phil Lord and Chris Miller. Produced by 20th Century Fox Television and animated by Bento Box.
Cast & Characters:
Jake Johnson as Coach Ben Hopkins: A pathetic, angry, foul-mouthed coach desperate to prove himself, but always looking for an easy way to get the job done. He’s shameless and selfish, and given the opportunity to do the right thing, he fails most of the time.
NEW – Rob Riggle as Barry Hopkins: Ben’s father. A former pro athlete turned steakhouse owner. Barry frequently rips his son, and doesn’t respect him, but still wants the best for him.
NEW – Natasha Leggero as Shannon: Ben’s estranged wife. She’s got a history of impulsive behavior and rash decisions, but has straightened up her life since leaving Ben and is focused on making her horse farm a success.
NEW – Ron Funches as Ron: Assistant Coach and Ben’s best friend. Considerate, quiet and patient, he’s Ben’s polar opposite.
NEW – Cleo King as Opal: Ben’s boss and Principal of Lenwood High who doesn’t like her job and is nearly as foul-mouthed as Ben. She’s unlucky in love, superstitious and has a talent for singing.
NEW – A.D. Miles as Matty: 16-year-old seven-footer whose father abandoned him when he was young. Matty struggles with his body off the court and has a hard time making friends.