South Park‘s two-decade animated reign over Comedy Central continues strong, with the ViacomCBS channel reporting the South ParQ Vaccination Special dominated the night of its premiere, securing its place as the No. 1 cable telecast of the year with nearly 3.5 million viewers. The second special to follow the show’s 23rd season (the series’ 309th episode) was also the most buzzed about cable event across social media for March 10.
South ParQ Vaccination Special attracted 1.74 million total viewers for its premiere on Comedy Central, with 3.47 million tuning in to both the debut airing, its simultaneous premiere on MTV2 and four encores on Comedy Central. The TV event upped CC’s numbers by triple digits in key demographics versus time period benchmarks. The new special scored as the second highest rated South Park episode since 2017, following last fall’s Pandemic Special (4.4M viewers).
Vaccination Special finds the citizens of South ParQ clamoring for the COVID-19 vaccine, while a hilarious new militant group tries to stop the boys from getting their teacher vaccinated. Episodes of South Park/ParQ are available to stream in HD exclusively on South ParQ Studios (, and the Comedy Central App.
Source: Nielsen; P18-34/LSD unless noted, coverage ratings; competitive ranks based on 000s; total viewers = P2+; P4W Comedy includes SP repeats, Star Trek: Lower Decks; YAGO Comedy includes SP repeats; full event viewers incl. CMDY/MTV2 prem simulcast, four encores on CMDY. Social- TalkWalker: Social Content Ratings, ListenFirst.