The best buds are back in the third installment of the Adventure Time: Distant Lands specials, set to premiere Thursday, May 20 on HBO Max. In Together Again, after a break from adventuring, a series of mysterious events leads Finn and Jake farther from home than they have ever traveled before. When they find themselves face to face with a monstrous evil, Finn and Jake must unite for the adventure of their lifetimes!
Based on the animated series Adventure Time created by Pendleton Ward and executive produced by Adam Muto, the Adventure Time: Distant Lands specials explore the unseen corners of the world with characters both familiar and brand new. Last year, the first of these specials, BMO, followed the lovable little robot on a new adventure to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. The second special, Obsidian, centered on Marceline and Princess Bubblegum as they confronted their rocky past to face off against an ancient foe.