Gruppo Alcuni Offers ‘Cartoons for Peace’ Free to Broadcasters Who Donate to Ukraine

Italy’s Gruppo Alcuni is releasing the short-form animated series Cartoons for Peace from its catalog, offering the timely title to broadcasters around the world for free, in exchange for donations that go toward helping children in Ukraine. The project does not require dubbing, making it easy for any channels interested to bring these shorts to their audiences.

Cartoons for Peace was developed by Gruppo Alcuni in cooperation with UNESCO’s Associated Schools Network and Italian public broadcaster RAI, inspired by the International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-Violence for the Children of the World (2000-2010) designated by the UN General Assembly.

The project called for school children all over the globe to create storyboards on the theme of “peace.” Over 1,000 submissions from students in Ecuador, Egypt, Indonesia, Lebanon, Mexico, Philippines, Qatar, Uganda and other countries were narrowed down into a 20 x one-minute 2D animated series.

Cartoons for Peace
Cartoons for Peace

“We believe this animated content is still extremely relevant, because it reflects the hopes of thousands of children around the world and that hasn’t changed with time,” saiid producer Francesco Manfio. “In exchange, we’d ask the networks to give a free contribution for children in the Ukraine or in any war zone, since children are the first victims of war.”

Outlets interested in this offer can contact Gruppo Alcuni’s head of sale, Kristina B. Simon, at

Learn more about Cartoons for Peace and watch the trailer here.