A new stop-motion animated series, EvanTube’s Dollar Toy Squad by pocket.watch premiered today (Friday, June 9) on the Ryan and Friends Plus channel available through Prime Video (and soon on Xfinity).
The series hails from writer Matthew Schwartz and director Yoram Benz, the animation duo behind One Eyed Robot who have delivered numerous projects for Cartoon Network, TBS and MTV. Starring are pocket.watch creators EvanTube and JillianTube, who have a combined audience of more than 10 million YouTube subscribers.
Synopsis: Evan and Jillian receive a mysterious box of toys that transports them to One Buck City, where a ragtag team of budget action figures, the Dollar Toy Squad, are battling against the villainous Rust-O-Team.
Ryan and Friends Plus is an independent kids and family SVOD spotlighting original series and exclusive content from top kids’ creators, with over 3,400 episodes and 500 hours of content and 16 new hours being added every month.