The Tel Aviv-based team behind the new animated series God’s Gang have announced the imminent completion of the show’s pilot episode, dubbed “Love Is in the Air Hole.” Aimed at kids 6-12 and their families, the original multicultural and multinational comedy-adventure brings together four extraordinary martial arts heroes from different faiths who save the day with the power of peace, kindness and unity.
God’s Gang follows the action-packed escapades of SumoSlim, TaekwonHindu, NinJew and ChrisCross. Through martial arts, humor and adventure, the show aims to present global audiences with diverse cultures and religions, in an exciting, unifying and uplifting experience for viewers of all backgrounds.
The series is created by Nimrod Avraham May, a former Disney marketing executive, whose vision is brought to life by the team at Infinite Frameworks in Singapore. May’s production banner God’s Gang Ltd. brings together an international team of Emmy and Grammy Award-winning creatives to create innovative, positive stories — and is committed to keeping its projects free from AI-generated content.
God’s Gang was developed, produced and directed by a group of animation veterans, including executive producer Ronen Shani (Candy Bear, Zack & Quack), producer Gilad Piker (Candy Bear, Nella the Princess Knight), director Ehud Landsberg (Transformers: Cyberverse, Vampirina) and writer Rob Kutner (five-time Emmy and Grammy Award winner; Conan O’Brien, The Daily Show, Angry Birds, Ben 10). The show also features an original theme song performed by rising Disney star and Emmy nominee Issac Ryan Brown (The Owl House).
“We believe that through the power of entertainment, God’s Gang can inspire unity, understanding and kindness in a divisive world,” says May. “Our aim is to create a show that not only entertains but also leaves a positive impact on the hearts and minds of children and families worldwide in current times when the people of the world are thirsty for hope!”
With a trailer already gaining momentum across social media and the 12 and a half minute pilot coming soon, God’s Gang Ltd. is now seeking the production partners and/or strategic investors to help it navigate financing and distribution for at least the first season of 10 x 22-minute episodes.