Disney Production Workers Vote to Unionize Under IATSE/TAG

The Animation Guild (TAG), IATSE Local 839, announced Tuesday via X/Twitter that the production workers at Walt Disney Animation Studios have voted overwhelmingly in favor of joining TAG for representation. With 93% eligible voter turnout (production coordinators, production supervisors, production managers, etc. excluded from previous collective bargaining agreements at the studio), 96% of voters said yes to unionizing countered by just five no votes.

A supermajority of production workers at Disney Feature Animation announced their desire to join TAG back in March, having already spent a year attempting to reach contract agreements that addressed low wages, unpaid overtime and other unsustainable workplace practices. The following month, the studio’s TAG-repped animation artists joined their production colleagues for a solidarity walk.

This summer, union bids from visual effects workers at both Walt Disney Pictures and Disney-owned Marvel were made to the IATSE (International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees) — a double-punch of historical firsts for VFX employees.

The secret ballot vote overseen by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) began in October. The deal does not cover other positions, including managers, supervisors, confidential employees and guards.

[Additional information sourced from Deadline.]