In spring 2024, audiences are invited to revisit the dry and desolate wasteland of Sand Land in Sand Land: The Series, a new Japanese action-adventure anime coming exclusively to Hulu. This retelling of the 2023 feature film, the show will build out the original universe with new stories featuring Fiend Prince Beelzebub, Sheriff Rao and Thief.
Sand Land: The Series is set in a world where the water supply is all but dried up, with the small amount remaining controlled by a greedy king. Tired of suffering under the king’s rule, Sheriff Rao reaches out to Sand Land’s demons for help, and together they set off on a journey to discover the “Legendary Spring.”
Starring Mutsumi Tamura as the voice of the Fiend Prince Beelzebub, Kazuhiro Yamaji as the voice of Rao, Chō as the voice of Thief, Satoshi Tsuruoka as the voice of General Are and Nobuo Tobita as Supreme Commander Zeu, Sand Land: The Series is directed by Toshihisa Yokoshima and is adapted for the screenl by Hayashi Mori.
Based on the popular graphic novel short story by Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball and Dr. Slump, Sand Land: The Series is a collaboration between anime studios Sunrise (Mobile Suit Gundam, Love Live! Series), Kamikaze Douga (Pop Team Epic, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure title sequence) and ANIMA, which specializes in 3D CG animation.
Hulu will be spotlighting Sand Land: The Series, as well as several of its most popular anime titles — including Hulu Originals Undead Unluck and Tokyo Revengers, as well as Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War — at this weekend’s Anime NYC convention. Attendees who visit the Hulu Animayhem booth will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in these fan-favorite titles with unique photo opportunities and specialty giveaways including a keychain, Animayhem poster, and Hulu green boba tea.