DreamWorks Animation today surfaced with the Season 2 trailer for its magical self-acceptance story Not Quite Narwhal, based on the children’s book by Jessie Sima. The second season debuts January 22 on Netflix, following the first batch which debuted in June. The series centers on an adventurous youngster who is half narwhal and half unicorn, and follows his charming escapades on land and sea as he explores both sides of his unique heritage.
Synopsis: With two magical worlds to explore, Kelp is busy embracing his new life as a narwhal and a unicorn! Whether discovering mysterious sea sculptures, playing an exciting game of Sparks Ball, or enjoying a special visit from the Great Great Grandicorn, Kelp and his friends always follow their curiosity. They’ll even get to meet a snow unicorn named Dambi and two-horned narwhal named Barb, embracing the magic of what makes everyone unique, on land and in the sea!
Not Quite Narwhal features the voices of Nevin Kar as Kelp, Lucy Lowe as Scallop, Ryan Lopez as Cruz, Scarlett Kate Ferguson as Pixie, Sasha Knight as Ollie and Mixie Chen as Juniper. Guest stars for S2 include Matt Yang King as Dad Tuskington and Crabby, Weston Mangles as Theo, James Monroe Iglehart as Chef Jinglehooves, Kevin Dunn as Mr. Pearly, Sally Struthers as Mrs. Polydopoulos and Yvette Nicole Brown as Great Great Grandicorn.
The series is co-executive produced by Brian K. Roberts, Naika Trower Shuman and Sarah Katin.