Acclaimed Japanese studio Kyoto Animation (KyoAni) has revealed a project that will apply the talents of its artists in a different direction. Titled Hagureboshi no Uta (translating to Song of a Stray Star), the story will be told through an illustrated picture book with an accompanying soundtrack, from the minds and hands of some of the talents behind the studio’s hit anime franchise, Violet Evergarden.
Song of a Stray Star centers on a boy with blue eyes, named Lazuli, who learns on his 12th birthday that he is not the biological son of his mother. He runs away from home, and meets a boy with blonde hair named Eden, who recognizes the particular fruit entrusted to Lazuli’s care by his mother, and the two set out to find the tree where it grows.
The picture book is created by KyoAni director Taichi Ishidate, who helmed the Violet Evergarden limited TV series and Violet Evergarden: The Movie, as well as serving as supervising director on Violet Evergarden: Eternity and the Auto Memory Doll. His directing credits also include the series Sound! Euphonium, Beyond the Boundary and K-On!, as well as the feature-length Beyond the Boundary projects I’ll Be Here – Future and I’ll Be Here – Past.
The project’s original soundtrack is by American-born composer Evan Call, who in addition to the Violet Evergarden franchise has scored for the acclaimed films Gold Kingdom and Water Kingdom and Josee, the Tiger and the Fish and many series, most recently Frieren: Beyond Jerouney’s End, My Happy Marriage and the upcoming Sengoku Youko.
.Song of a Stray Star is being produced through Kyoto Animation’s KyoAni Muse Labo.
[Source: GameRant]