Cartoon Movie, the pitching and co-production event for European animated films, announced the companies and personalities nominated for the Cartoon Tributes, whose major contributions in their respective fields have significantly enhanced the European animation industry. The winners of these awards’ three categories – Producer, Distributor and Director of the Year – will be voted for by the 850-plus professionals attending Cartoon Movie’s 26th edition in Bordeaux, France, from March 5-7.
The nominees are:
European Producer of the Year
- Animagrad (FILM.UA Group) (Ukraine) for Mavka. The Forest Song
- Fernando Trueba Prod. (Spain) / LolaFilms (Spain) / Les Films d’Ici Méditerranée (France) / Submarine (Netherlands) & Animanostra (Portugal) for They Shot the Piano Player
- Sacrebleu Productions (France) / Take Five (Belgium) & Ciel de Paris (France) for Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Winds
- TAT Productions (France) for The Jungle Bunch: World Tour and Epic Tails
European Distributor of the Year
- Eurozoom (France); The Island, Buñuel in the Labyrinth of the Turtles, Cafard
- Films4You (Portugal); Calamity: A Childhood of Martha Jane Cannary, Flee, Titina
- Pro Films (Bulgaria); The Inseperables, The Elfkins – Baking a Difference, Dreambuilders
- Selmer Media (Norway); Epic Tails, My Fairy Troublemaker, Dragonkeeper
European Director of the Year
- Enzo D’Alò for A Greyhound of a Girl (Italy)
- Isabel Herguera for Sultana’s Dream (Spain)
- Chiara Malta & Sébastien Laudenbach for Chicken for Linda! (France)
- Jérémie Périn for Mars Express (France)
Winners will be announced at the Bordeaux Congress Centre on March 7.