Marvel has reportedly fired regular writer-producer Beau DeMayo (Moon Knight) on the eve of the premiere of X-Man ’97, the new Disney+ revamp of the beloved 1990s animated series. The show will hold its Hollywood premiere tomorrow, March 13, presumably without its showrunner, executive producer and head writer on hand.
DeMayo had completed writing for two seasons of X-Men ’97 and was discussing plot points for Season 3 with his team very recently. The show launches on Disney+ on March 20.
According to Hollywood Reporter, show staffers were told DeMayo had left Marvel Studios early last week. The EP’s company email was deactivated, and he also deleted his personal Instagram account which had been a hub of updates for the series.
DeMayo was hired on by Marvel in 2021. A reason for his departure was not provided, and neither the showrunner nor the studio has provided comment.
[Source: Hollywood Reporter]