Jasmine, the first short film created by animation professional organization ASIFA-Hollywood, is kicking off its film festival run this month. The 2D-animated short is based on the writings of a young girl named Jasmine, depicted in the film, who lives through the events of the Syrian Civil War. The conflict began in 2011 and continues today, causing the deaths of more than half a million people and the displacement of millions more.
“The desire to tackle this sensitive subject through a child’s perspective was what compelled everyone involved in making this film.” says the film’s director, Tom Caulfield. “Though the future of Syria and its inhabitants is unresolved, we wanted this film to offer hope and peace for its future.”
Jasmine‘s creative team includes: Direction & story by Tom Caulfield (director, Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure, Tangled: Before Ever After / story artist, Zootopia 2; Wish; Ruby Gillman, Teenage Kraken; Orion and the Dark / animator, The Illusionist, The Secret of Kells); co-director Dave Baas; music and sound by Judith Gruber-Stitzer (Animal Behavior, Wild Life, When the Day Breaks, Two Sisters); written by Charles Solomon (New York Times, Rolling Stone, LA Times, Variety, Animation Magazine and ASIFA-Hollywood Board member); and produced by Aubry Mintz, ASIFA-Hollywood’s Interim Executive Director; with executive producers Frank Gladstone (ASIFA-Hollywood Vice President), Mark Jones (Sheridan College Dean of the Faculty of Animation, Arts & Design), and production management by Leslie Ezeh (ASIFA-Hollywood Director of Operations).
Animation, backgrounds, compositing and effects were provided by the artists from Seneca School of Creative Arts & Animation Summer Institute in Toronto.
“We are all incredibly proud of ASIFA-Hollywood’s first film production” says Mintz. “We hope this film will give its audience more compassion and empathy for all of those affected by devastation during times of war.”
The film was completed in 2023.
Jasmine is currently slated to play at the following film and animation festivals:
- Children’s Cinema Awards (Semi-Finalists), June 17
- Palm Springs Animation Festival, June 20
- Galway Film Fleadh, July 9-14
- LA Shorts International Film Festival, July 17-29
- Breckenridge Film Festival, Sept. 19