‘Your Animated Journey’: Words of Encouragement from Joshua Pinker

In this excerpt from the new book Your Animated Journey! penned by Toronto-based animator Joshua Pinker, the working artist provides some advice on how to persevere when the going gets tough:


If You’re Feeling Discouraged…

Hey there champ, how’s it going? I’m sorry that you are at the point where you need this section of the book. However hard times happen, even to the best of us, and that’s why I put this pep talk in this book. Maybe you just got laid off, or perhaps it’s been a couple months of applying for job after job, and you still haven’t heard anything back. Whatever the situation is, DO NOT GIVE UP. I promise you things will get better.

When I was in between jobs, every day felt like a waste of time if I wasn’t actively looking for something. However, you really shouldn’t feel that way. Try and think of the positives to your situation, like the free time you have to do things you couldn’t if you had a full time job. When I have unexpected downtime, I like to go through my contact list and update my contacts with where I am, and see what has changed out there. Go back to the list of studios you made. Go back to your email list of important people you have spoken with in the past. Go back to LinkedIn and connect with new people who can give you information on what’s going on with new shows and job openings. Times like this are why it was so important to build that strong foundation in the beginning of your journey, and be organized.

I lost my job at one point, and I didn’t know what to do. I was completely lost and at a standstill. I reached out to a past employer and they completely understood my situation. They gave me a bunch of freelance work to hold me over until I was able to find the next full-time gig. Another person told me about an open house at a studio happening that very week. I ended up attending, and made great connections through networking. That’s what is great about this industry — everyone has been where you are right now, and people are usually willing to help you out of this lull. However, you still have to put in the effort to get yourself out of this. Don’t forget about why you are doing this and what your goals are. I firmly believe everything happens for a reason. If you are not working now, it’s because you are meant to work on this amazing new show that will be starting next month. If you lost your job at one studio, it’s because it wasn’t meant to be. Maybe that was only a temporary position until the perfect opportunity came along. Always stay positive and keep moving forward.

The moment you start thinking negatively and losing your confidence is when nothing will work in your favor, so keep your chin up and keep up the good work. Good things are just around the corner for you!

My Final Words to You

One thing everyone tells me is that I have a lot of drive. That means I am always determined; never giving up and always moving forward. This is something that can never be taught. You either have it, or you don’t. The moment you let negative energy in and start to feel defeated is when you lose the drive. Keep thinking positive, because there is always an amazing opportunity somewhere out there for you. Since you made it to the very end of this book, that tells me you are dedicated to getting into the industry. I wish you the best of luck! I hope you enjoyed the advice that I was able to give you. Maybe someone from the Q&A gave you some valuable information you hadn’t considered before. Keep going back to previous chapters to confirm that you are doing everything right. When times get hard, always know that there is a whole community of people out there who have been through the same hardships. Always reach out for help when you need it — you can even email me if you have any questions. Unleash that fire within you and get out there. Always keep your mind open and keep thinking one step ahead. You will be successful, and one day, you will have your name in the credits of that cartoon on TV.

I hope you have an amazing animated journey!


Your Animated Journey

Joshua Pinker is a 2D animation artist from New Jersey, now based in Toronto, Canada. Since beginning his professional career in 2014, he has worked for 15 animation studios. His experiences in the animation industry and in advising animation students led to the creation of his book, Your Animated Journey!, available now.

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