The anime-inspired series Gabriel and the Guardians has officially unveiled its first trailer at the Asia TV Forum & Market. Fans can now experience a glimpse of the epic world of Ara and the celestial guardian, Gabriel, as he embarks on a journey to protect the mortals below.
Creator Colossul Studios also announced a co-production agreement with Singapore-based Robot Playground Media for the series.
“It is our distinct honor and pleasure to work with the incredibly talented artists and leadership team of Robot Playground Media,” said Al Moore, Co-Founder & Executive Producer of Colossul Studios and Qayinara Animation. Their work and dedication to this project is truly exceptional and inspiring. We look forward to bringing Gabriel and the Guardians to life with such a talented group.”
Ervin Han, Co-founder and CEO of Robot Playground Media, added, “We couldn’t be more excited to be part of this groundbreaking animated series from the visionary mind of creator Jason Moody, whose inspiration drives our team to bring his extraordinary vision to life. The innovative storytelling and exceptional creative talents of everyone at Colossul Studios make this project truly remarkable.”
About the show:
Gabriel and the Guardians draws inspiration from ancient Hebrew and other Mesopotamian traditions through a gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and destiny. The series blends rich narrative depth with breathtaking world-building, reminiscent of beloved fantasy classics like Lord of the Rings, while adding its own distinct anime flair. The stakes are high as Gabriel and his fellow guardians strive to protect the mystical world of Ara from those who would use its power for evil.
The show’s pilot episode is set to officially premiere worldwide on January 29, 2025 on Angel Studios Guild.
“Gabriel and the Guardians has such a meaningful spot in Angel Studios’ future because we look at this show as one of the most innovative and exciting shows coming out of Angel Studios,” said Jordan Harmon, President of Angel Studios. “We’re so excited to bring this show to the world in a very powerful way.”