KO Distribution announces a global distribution deal with Echo Media for The Adventures of Toopy & Binoo, a new 2D-animated preschool series produced by Echo Media and Huminah Animation and licensed by CBC, Radio-Canada, TFO and Toon-A-Vision. This 54 x 7′ comedy-adventure series is currently in pre-production, with both English and French language versions set for delivery in Spring 2026.
Based on the children’s books by Dominique Jolin, the original Toopy & Binoo series captured the hearts of audiences worldwide. The new series promises to continue this legacy with fresh storylines, following clumsy mouse Toopy and silent cat Binoo as they embark on whimsical adventures.
“We are excited to bring The Adventures of Toopy & Binoo to a global audience,” said Mia Desroches, Vice-President, Global Sales & Partnerships at KO Distribution. “This iconic franchise has a strong following, and we believe the new series will resonate with a new generation of fans just like the original version did.”
Sarah Châtelain, Vice-Président at Echo Media, added, “With the support of key financial partners like our broadcasters along with SODEC, Canada Media Fund, Shaw Rocket Fund, and Eastlink, we’re bringing a timeless duo back to screens everywhere. This project reflects our dedication to creating high-quality content that resonates globally.”
KO Distribution plans to introduce the series at forthcoming 2025 international markets, including, Kidscreen Summit, MIFA and MIPJunior.