TFOU (France), the TF1 group’s dedicated children’s programming block, has announced a new development partnership with Superprod for the animated series Vet Academy. This original 3D CGI show will feature 52 episodes of 11 minutes aimed at kids four to seven, centered on animal rescue and protection adventures.
“We are delighted to be working hand in hand with Superprod on this series, it’s a perfect combination of adventure and heartwarming stories which spring from the unique bond between children and animals,” said Yann Labasque, Head of TF1 group’s youth programming. “Superprod has pulled together a team of exceptional artists and writers to create an unforgettable experience for our young viewers.”
Located on Harmony Island, a land of rich landscapes and extraordinary wildlife, the Vet Academy is a school 100% dedicated to animal rescue and welfare. Each episode will follow the V Team, a group of five young veterinary apprentices, as they embark on rescue missions to save and heal animals in distress. A puma caught in a trap, a baby whale exposed to toxic chemicals, or a panda being kidnapped by a mad scientist … who can save them??? The V-Team! These young veterinarians in training will move heaven and earth to rescue and heal any animal in danger.
Vet Academy is created by French director Charles Vaucelle (Pat the Dog, Oggy and the Cockroaches, The Daltons, Lucky Luke, Dogmatix and the Indomitables) and Matthieu Choquet, and story edited by Valérie Baranski. The series will be produced at Superprod’s studios in Paris, Angoulême and Milan. Superights, the group’s distribution arm, will handle international sales.
“I’ve always loved having pets at home and I know that children love to care about animals. Moreover, my wife is a veterinarian and for years, I’ve wanted to introduce children to this wonderful profession. I even hope that it will inspire future veterinarians!” said Vaucelle. :To make our apprentice vets’ missions more visual and exciting, I’ve designed ‘V-suits,’ special suits that give them extraordinary abilities and protect them during their rescue missions. These suits are also equipped with numerous useful gadgets for diagnosing and providing first aid to animals.”
Jérémie Fajner and Clément Calvet, founders of group Superprod, added, “With Vet Academy, we wanted to create a series that would not only entertain children but also raise their awareness of the importance of animal welfare and wildlife preservation. Adventure, discovery and fun are at the heart of this original creation. After collaborating with us on two seasons of family favorite Lassie, we are thrilled to work with the TF1 teams once again.”