Triggerfish, Africa's leading animation studio, has teamed up with UNESCO to launch a groundbreaking initiative to advance women in the African animation industry. Labeled...
L’Alliance New York announces the programs for the eighth edition of Animation First. Created in 2018, the event has grown into the largest animation...
Family audiences can embark on an exciting adventure with an unlikely, furry hero in Panda Bear in Africa, debuting on Digital on January 28, 2025. The...
The nominees were announced today for the 30th Lumières, the cinema awards regarded as the French equivalent to Hollywood's Golden Globes, as they are...
The creatives behind the popular Marvel Animation series What If...? gathered in Santa Monica, California on Wednesday evening to celebrate the launch of Season 3,...
On the heels of new still image and character poster reveals earlier this week, Ketchup Entertainment has launched the official teaser trailer for The Day...
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