BBC Studios and The Walt Disney Company today announced the first-ever CG animated feature film for Bluey, the smash-hit Australian preschool series about a...
The Berlin International Film Festival today announced the initial raft of films selected for its young audience-targeted Generation program (Kplus for children, 14plus for...
Disney+ has revealed that the new Inside Out animated spinoff series, Dream Productions, has totted up 5.6 million views globally for its first episode...
Disney's Moana 2 continues to ride a wave of box-office success, leading international and domestic charts over this weekend. The animated sequel, directed by David...
Organizers of the Sundance Film Festival have announced the prestigious competition's short film selection for 2025, which includes a dedicated Animated Short Film program...
Disney Branded Television hits the intergalactic pitch with the acquisition of Messi and the Giants, a sci-fi animated series (22-minute episodes) inspired by worldwide...
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