Comet, Bee Mind Band for Shouters

The Gorillaz may be the hottest animated band around these days, but Canadian animation production, content development and distribution company Comet Ent. Inc. and Spain’s Bee Mind in Barcelona plan to change all that. The two companies have entered into a co-production and worldwide distribution deal for a 3D animated movie titled The Shouters, a 75-minute pic about a teen rock band that takes on a megalomaniac record producer.

In the film, a 16-year-old girl with dreams on becoming a pop star joins The Shouters, a rock band that finds it increasingly difficult to book a gig as evil music mogul Freddy Saturno buys and closes all concert halls in town so he can impose his machine-made music on the populous. When the owner of the last live music bar is kidnapped by Freddy’s thugs, The Shouters undertake a daring rescue mission and learn of a diabolic plan to make clones of all pop stars and destroy the originals.

Bee Mind was working on The Shouters for a long time before Comet got involved. Directed by Carmen Llanos and produced by Raquel Benitez, the movie will have a complementary web site featuring interactive games and activities. Comet is currently in production on the previously announced primetime animated feature Santa Vs Claus.