The Free Comic Book Day Committee has selected the twelve Gold Sponsor comic book titles for the comic book industry’s most anticipated annual event, Free Comic Book Day. FCBD takes place every year on the first Saturday in May at participating comic book shops worldwide with next year’s event taking place on May 2.
The Gold Sponsor publishers include Archie Comics, Bongo Comics, BOOM! Studios, DC Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Dynamite Entertainment, IDW Publishing, Image Comics, Marvel Comics, Titan Comics, United Plankton Publications and VIZ Media.
Here’s the list:
- Archie Comic Publications: Dark Circle Comics Preview
- Bongo Comics: 2014 Bongo Comics Free-For-All
- Boom! Studios: Boom! Studios Tenth Anniversary Special
- Dark Horse Comics: Fight Club/ The Goon/ The Strain
- DC Comics: TBA
- Dynamite Entertainment: Bob’s Burgers
- Idw Publishing: Transformers Robots In Disguise #0
- Image Comics: Savage Dragon: Legacy #1
- Marvel Comics: Secret Wars
- Titan Comics: Doctor Who Special
- United Plankton Pictures: Spongebob Freestyles Funnies
- VIZ Media/ Perfect Square: Pokémon