Australian animation director Adam Elliot, the talented stop-motion dramatist behind 2009’s Mary and Max (winner of the Ottawa Int’l Animation Festival Grand Prize and Berlin Int’l Film Festival Crystal Bear) and Oscar winner Harvey Krumpet, has announced that he has completed work on his latest short film project: Ernie Biscuit.
The latest “clayography” runs 20 minutes in black and white stop-motion, similar in style to Elliot’s previous films. The bittersweet biography centers on a deaf Parisian taxidermist, blending humor and tragedy to create a powerful meditation on love and life. Ernie Biscuit is narrated by Elliot’s long-time collaborator John Flaus.
Ernie Biscuit will have its world premiere at the Sydney Film Festival in June, followed by a European premiere at the Annecy International Animation Festival a couple weeks later.