Montreal’s Sardine Productions, in partnership with Societe Radio-Canada, has announced a third season of its popular TV toon Leon. The new installment brings the episode total to 156 and arrives along news of a key international partnership.
Leon will enter the coveted Chinese market in 2016 through partner/investor SHIAO Animation, which will deploy a multiplatform strategy including TV, VOD, publishing and distribution of interactive content, as well as licensing and merchandising in the country.
“We are privileged to venture into the Chinese market with SHIAO Animation. The contribution of chairman Kun Wu, and his team is critical to the success of the undertaking. More accessible in recent years, China now offers interesting business opportunities. I want to emphasize the support of our partners at Radio-Canada and the Shaw Rocket Fund, who have championed the Leon brand for years now,” says Ghislain Cyr, President and founder of Sardine Productions.