King Rollo Films – producers of children’s television series Spot, Maisy, Mama Mirabelle, Humf and Poppy Cat – has announced that it will be offering free training workshops for animators in order to build up a workforce and develop a new series on the U.K. island of Skye.
The workshops are being offered thanks to partnerships with Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and creative industries festival XpoNorth. Organizers say the training sessions, which will take place at Gaelic language college Sabhal Mòr Ostaig UHI in December and January, will “equip talented artists and train up a new workforce for the Highlands and Islands.”
King Rollo’s intention to produce a series on Skye was announced back in March, when studio Managing Director Leo Nielsen said of the island, “Skye is a magical place with a unique tradition of storytelling.”