For the third year running, the Special Prizes were awarded in a ceremony held at Annecy’s Town Hall on Friday night. The Mayor of Annecy, Jean-Luc Rigaut, was on hand for the presentation of 10 prizes. The winners are:
Festivals Connexion Jury Distinction – Region Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes
(In partnership with Lumieres Numeriques & Pilon Cinema)
Moms on Fire – Joanna Rytel (AltoFilm; Sweden)
Decorado – Alberto Vazquez (Uniko; Spain/France)
Junior Jury Award for a Graduation Film
The Alan Dimension – Jac Clinch (NFTS; U.K.)
Junior Jury Award for a Short Film
Blind Vaysha -Theodore Ushev (NFB; Canada)
How Long, Not Long – Michelle Kranot & Uri Kranot (Dansk Tegnefilm 2 APS, The Animation Workshop; Denmark)
Andre-Martin Award for a 2015 French Feature Film
Adama – Simon Rouby (Naia Prod., Pipangai Prod.; France)
Andre-Martin Award for a French Short Film
Peripheria – David Coquard-Dassault (Autour de Minuit, Schmuby Prod.; France)
Gan Foundation Award for Distribution
White Fang – Alexandre Espigares (SuperProd, Once Upon, Big Beach; France/Luxembourg)
Best Original Music Award for a Short Film
(Sponsored by the SACEM)
Beast! – Pieter Coudyzer (S.O.I.L.; Belgium)
CANAL Creative Aid Award for a Short Film
¾ oz – Pierre Grillere & Romain Peyronnet (EMCA; France)