The Ibero-American Animation Quirino Awards have announced the finalists in nine categories for its inaugural edition, taking place April 6-7 on the Spanish island of Tenerife. The event organizers also issued a reminder that the call for submissions for the Coproduction Forum is open until March 9, while a committee of experts have selected 11 papers to be presented at the International Animation Congress.
A total of 24 productions hailing from nine Ibero-American countries have progressed in the awards competition, culled from 273 works submitted from 14 countries. Spain was the best represented with 12 nominations, while Colombia and Mexico with five each. Spanish feature Tad, the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas received the most nominations (three), followed by Colombian feature El libro de Lila and short films Way of Giants (Brazil) and Cerulia (Mexico) with two each.
Finalists were selected by an international jury comprised of cinematography historian Giannalberto Bendazzi, producer and distributor Eleanor Coleman, producer and consultant Joan Lofts, and animators David Feiss and Raúl García.
2018 Quirino Awards Finalists:
More information, trailers, etc. available here.
Ana and Bruno | Directed by Carlos Carrera (Mexico)
Deep | Directed by Julio Soto Gurpide (Spain)
El Libro de Lila | Directed by Marcela Rincón González (Colombia/Uruguay)
Tad, the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas | Directed by Enrique Gato & David Alonso (Spain)
Old Folk’s Tales S3 (Colombia/Spain)
Pocoyo S4 (Spain)
Paper Port (Chile/Brazil/Argentina/Colombia)
The Tiniest Man in the World (Argentina/France)
Afterwork | Directed by Luis Uson & Andres Aguilar (Ecuador/Spain/Peru)
Cerulia | Directed by Sofia Carrillo González (Mexico)
Decorado | Directed by Alberto Vázquez (Spain/France)
Tantalus | Directed by Juan Facundo Ayerbe & Christian Krieghoff (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
A Day in the Park | Directed by Diego Porral (ESNE, Spain)
We Are the Immigrants | Directed by Catalina Matamoros (USC, Colombia/USA)
Sing with Meaning, A Biography of Violeta Parra | Directed by Leonardo Beltrán (Chile)
Uterine Death and Life | Directed by Daniel Bruson (Brazil)
Solar City: How Energy Gets to You | Directed by Mariano Bergara & Becho Lo Bianco (Argentina)
Mayan Archaeoastronomy: Observers of the Universe | Directed by Milagros Varguez (Mexico)
Blank Canvas | Directed by Albert Sherman (Spain)
The Many Pieces of Mr. Coo | Directed by Nacho Rodriguez (Spain)
El Libro de Lila | Directed by Marcela Rincón González (Colombia/Uruguay)
Here’s the Plan | Directed by Fernanda Frick (Chile)
The Aeronauts | Directed by León Fernández (Mexico)
Way of Giants | Directed by Alois Di Leo (Brazil)
Cerulia | Directed by Sofia Carrillo González (Mexico)
Tad, the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas | Directed by Enrique Gato & David Alonso (Spain)
Way of Giants | Directed by Alois Di Leo (Brazil)
Tad, the Lost Explorer and the Secret of King Midas | Directed by Enrique Gato & David Alonso (Spain)
The Neverending Wall | Directed by Silvia Carpizo (Spain)
The contenders were presented to the press at Casa de América by Oscar Graefenhain, General Director of ICAA; Roberto Varela, Director of Cultural and Scientific Relations in AECID; Carlos Alonso, President of the Cabildo de Tenerife; Alberto Bernabé, VP of the Cabildo de Tenerife and Tourism, Internationalization and Overseas Action; Manuel Cristóbal, VP of DIBOOS; and Jose Luis Farias, Quirino Awards’ Coordinator. Representatives of the Ibermedia Program and the cultural attachés from the embassies of Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay were also in attendance.
More information at