Netflix is adding to its stable of animated originals from Japan with Dino Girl Gauko, set to debut in late 2019. The new kids’ comedy series comes from creator/showrunner Akira Shigino, who has directed for hit anime series including Crayon Shin-chan, Line Town, Osomatsu-kun and the new Yatterman.
Dino Girl Gauko follows the daily adventures of Naoko Watanabe — a perfectly typical tweenage girl, aside from the fact that when her anger gets out of control, she transforms into a fire-breathing dinosaur.
The 2D series is produced by Hitoshi Mogi (Crayon Shin-chan, Line Town); Kimiko Ueno (Crayon Shin-chan, Pingu) is the show’s writer. Producing with Netflix are Ascension Co., August Media Holdings and Synergy 88 Entertainment.
An episode of Dino Girl Gauko, “Dad’s Little Secret,” will screen in the TV competition at the Annecy Festival next month.
[Source: Variety]