Fredrikstad Animation Fest Reveals Competition Selection

Sixteen shorts, 13 student films, 15 films for children and 29 commissioned films have been selected for the short film competition programs at the Fredrikstad Animation Festival (FAF), the leading festival for animation in the Nordic region. The festival, which takes place October 20 to 23, offers the best of animated film from the Nordic-Baltic countries.

Over the past week, the festival’s selection committee has watched and evaluated over 160 films for the festival’s competition program. The program offers strong visual narratives, and represents the best from the animation scene in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania. FAF has followed the Nordic-Baltic animation scene for almost 30 years, and organizers say this year’s competition represents the most robust impression that the production community has given the festival since it was established in 1994.

New this year is a two-part children’s program where several films for the oldest children have been placed in a separate track called Young Audience 12+, while the festival’s traditional children’s program is suitable for children ages six and older.

The selected films are…

Terra Incognita
Terra Incognita

Nordic-Baltic Competition: Short film 1

  • Beauty & the Beasts – Aggie Pak Yee Lee – Hong Kong, Estonia
  • I wanted a family – Irene Altagracia Perez Lopez – Sweden
  • Sierra – Sander Joon – Estonia
  • Time of a Slime Mold – Leena Pukki – Finland
  • Bear Hug – Margrethe Danielsen – Norway, France
  • I’ll Be Your Kettle – Tobias Rud – Denmark, Canada
  • Terra Incognita – Pernille Kjaer, Adrian Dexter – Denmark, France


Not Drifting Off
Not Drifting Off

Nordic-Baltic Competition: Short film 2

  • Without Us – Julie Engaas – Norway
  • Til We Meet Again – Ülo Pikkov – Estonia
  • Zolle: Resign – Kristian Pedersen – Norway
  • Oh So Convenient – Huei Jen Hung – Taiwan, Estonia
  • Not Drifting Off – Steph Hope – Norway, Usa
  • Dog-Apartment – Priit Tender – Estonia
  • Cockroaches – Adel Khan Faroog – Norway
  • FEAR – Julius Zubavičius, Antanas Skučas – Lithuania, U.K.
  • Garrano – Vasco Sá, David Doutel – Portugal, Lithuania

Nordic-Baltic Competition: Student film

  • Sloth – Synnøve Guttormsen, Vegard Kristoffersen, Gjermund Eskedal – Norway
  • Reptina – Frida Tonnby – Sweden
  • Remember this is not over – Christine Tjore Lervåg – Norway
  • Cowboy Kevin – Anna Lund Konnerup – Denmark
  • Hernicia – Sameliina Paurson – Estonia
  • My Mother the Sea – Aspasia Kazeli – Estonia
  • Birthday – Emilia Birgitta Olivia Eriksson – Sweden
  • The General’s Room – Georges Marion – Denmark
  • Dance my doll – Jasmijn Kooijman – Sweden
  • Hidden Life – Kadi Sink, Silver Strazdins, Sigrit Villido – Estonia
  • The Harbourmaster – Mia Ludvigsen Henriksen, Konrad Hjemli – Norway
  • Dysmorphia – Margo Nowicka – Finland
  • Death at the bus stop – Maja Kjellstad Aanonsen – Norway
Monoswezi kunuwera
Monoswezi “Kuwonererwa”

Nordic-Baltic competition: Commissioned film

  • Forbrukertilsynets Reklameskole – Morten Marius Apenes – Norway
  • Norwegian National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design idents – Steffen Sæther-Larsen, Christoffer Sæther-Larsen – Norway
  • Huset – Hanne Berkaak – Norway
  • KPMG NewTech ID spot – Mikael Ilnæs – Denmark
  • Alfred Nobel: From Dynamite to the Nobel Peace Prize – Dag Ove Solaas – Norway
  • When falling – Keld Nissen – Denmark
  • A Bridge of Poetry: My Lies by Henry Parland – Charlotte Heyman – Sweden
  • Carmen Avis – Mikkel Mainz Elkjær – Denmark
  • Tiff 2022 – Torgeir Holm – Norway
  • Anfo Effekt – Ronald Kabicek, Magne Hage – Norway
  • Aker Solutions – Julian Vargas, Bjarne Anmarkrud – Norway
  • NAV – EURES – Christoffer Klungerbo – Norway
  • Saetre Bisquits – Rune Spaans – Norway
  • Toleransevinduet – Julia Torjak – Norway
Black Midi "Welcome to Hell"
Black Midi “Welcome to Hell”
  • MOSSS “What Happens in Your Head” – Steph Hope – Norway, U.S.
  • Superheltskolen – Bjarne Anmarkrud, Are Seefood Valle Skjelvan – Norway
  • The Norwegian Police: The Children’s House – Tord-Øystein Stubberud – Norway
  • Coop – Long live diversity! – Pål Jespersen – Norway
  • Minikids – 2d and 3d animations – Rune Røsting, Lasse Gjertsen, Knut Næsheim – Norway
  • Monoswezi “Kuwonererwa” – Ronald Kabicek – Norway
  • Corona vaccines – Norwegian Institue of Public Health – Kim Holm, James Martin, Rebecka Taule – Norway
  • I wanna go to Mars with Elon – Emma Wartia – Finland
  • MTV Identity – Andreas Lund – Norway
  • AiR – Bjarne Anmarkrud – Norway
  • Resident Mystery Syndicate – Guro Kjensli Johansen, Frida Bogen Lauritzen – Norway
  • Pedagogstudentene: Sofie Frøysaa – Hanne Berkaak – Norway
  • Smokefree Future – Sunit Parekh, Tonni Zinck – Denmark
  • black midi “Welcome to Hell” – Gustaf Holtenäs, Sevi Iko Dømochevsky – Spain, U.K., Sweden
  • Hjemme Hos Sinna – Tommy Vad Funderud, Markus Vad Flaaten – Norway

Nordic-Baltic competition: Children’s film 6+

  • Hjemme Hos Sinna – Tommy Vad Funderud, Markus Vad Flaaten – Norway
  • Tales of Zale “Flickering Lights” – Sif Savery – Denmark
  • Spirit of the Forest – Nandini Rao, Nirupa Rao, Kalp Sanghvi – India, Sweden
  • The Calling – Frida E. Elmström – Sweden
  • Peter the Beetle – Meelis Arulepp – Estonia
  • Bookstore – Ofelia Giannini, Annika Giannini – Sweden
  • I’m not afraid! – Marita Mayer – Norway
  • Reptina – Frida Tonnby – Sweden
Bear Hug
Bear Hug

Nordic-Baltic competition: Young Audience 12+

  • Apex Point – Jacob Møller – Denmark
  • A Dream of Hawaii  – Thomas Smoor Isaksen – Norway
  • Troublemaker Tommy / Vigurivänt Volli – Rao Heidmets, Pauline Heidmets – Estonia
  • Bear Hug – Margrethe Danielsen – Norway, France
  • Oh So Convenient – Huei Jen Hung – Taiwan, Estonia
  • Sloth – Synnøve Guttormsen, Vegard Kristoffersen, Gjermund Eskedal – Norway

Fredrikstad Animation Festival will be held October 20-23 in Fredrikstad, Norway. For tickets and additional information, visit