Mythical Horror Short ‘Beltane’ Secures BFI Backing

The filmmakers behind Beltanea stop-motion animated short inspired by ancient mythology, have officially announced the project is being supported by BFI Network, awarding funds from the U.K.’s National Lottery. The partnership was hinted at in August, when the producers launched a crowdfund campaign to meet their contributory obligation.

Working closely with the BFI Network’s South West hub, based in the Watershed creative technology center in Bristol, indie prodco Mycellum Productions has been busy developing the script, storyboard, animatic and begun fabrication for Beltane, which is being directed by Helena Houghton and written by WGGB Award nominee Matt Gibbs.

“We are passionate about the art of storytelling, and having the support of an esteemed organization like the BFI Network, has catalyzed the production, making it a reality,” said the short’s producer, Yomi Ayeni. “Production is underway, and we’re looking forward to revealing more of the process and world of Beltane soon.”

The five-minute horror short is described as “an evocative exploration of the Summer King myth, exploring themes of humanity’s careless attitude towards nature and feminine agency. Through the use of stop motion animation and shadow puppetry, the team aims to create a world immersed in horror and steeped in folklore.”

Beltane is the first animated short project from Mycellum Productions, based out of Bristol’s Puppet Place, and was initially funded at the end of August when the project’s Kickstarter campaign exceeded its £5,000 goal with the help of 76 backers.
