The imaginative French indie animated feature Into the Wonderwoods (Angelo dans la forêt mystérieuse) is preparing for a new adventure, as Shout! Studios announces it has acquired North American rights from Urban Sales. The mixed-media family film is directed by Vincent Paronnaud (co-director of Persepolis) and Alexis Ducord (co-director of Zombillenium), based on an original graphic novel by Paronnaud, a.k.a. Winshluss.
Synopsis: Ten-year-old Angelo dreams of becoming an explorer and a zoologist. When he hits the road with his family to visit his beloved, ailing granny, his distracted parents leave him behind at a rest stop. Left to his own devices, Angelo decides to cut through the forest in search of his family. He enters a dark and mysterious world inhabited by strange creatures.
The multi-year deal gives Shout! all distribution rights in the U.S. and Canada, including theatrical, digital and physical home entertainment and airlines. The agreement was negotiated by Director of Acquisitions & Development Gus Krieger and VP of Business Affairs Steven Katz for Shout! Studios, and Head of International Sales Florencia Gil for Urban Sales.
Into the Wonderwoods is produced by Je Suis Bien Content (Mars Express, Persepolis), Gao Shan Pictures (Little Nicholas, I Lost My Body), both based in France, and Zeilt Productions (Mr. Hublot, Barababor) in Luxembourg.
The film premiered at Cannes last year before screening at Annecy, and debuted in French theaters in October. Into the Wonderwoods was one of the animated feature nominees for this year’s Lumières, France’s equivalent of the Golden Globes.
[Source: Deadline]