Ray Harryhausen and The Ray & Diana Harryhausen Foundation have made an exclusive deal with www.animationtoolkit.com to bring a high-quality steel joints armature making kit into the animation marketplace. Branded as “Armacreature,” the kit features over 100 stainless steel parts that can be used by animation professionals, students and enthusiasts to enable them to build and create characters and creatures from scratch.
Westley Wood, owner of Animationtoolkit, adapted and shaped the components over several years before partnering with Ray Harryhausen (known to many as the grand master of stop-motion animation) and the Foundation to launch Armacreature.
“To partner with animation legend Ray Harryhausen and bring Armacreature into the hands of animation lovers across the globe; is an absolute honour,” said Wood. “Ray and I hope that those who buy Armacreature have hours of enjoyment and that our kits helps them to realise their dreams and capture their imaginations on film.”
“Throughout my career I had to design and sometimes built with the help of my father, all my own armatures,” Harryhausen commented. “This kit is of superb quality and I would have gladly used it if it had been available.”
The Armacreature kit is available for £99.99 ($160) at the website: www.animationtoolkit.co.uk.