Disney Animation vets Aaron Blaise (Brother Bear) and Chuck Williams are using Kickstarter to raise funds for Art Story, an animated picture a boy and his grandfather people jump into famous works of art by the likes of Van Gogh, Degas, Picasso, Lichtenstein and Rousseau. The duo hopes to raise $350,000 in the next month.
Blaise and Williams, who worked on Disney features such as The Lion King, Pocahontas and Mulan, are hoping that their imaginative art-influenced movie will introduce young audiences to the exciting world of art.
“Through a combination of hand-drawn, CG animation, and different rendering techniques, you can make stuff look like a Van Gogh or a Lichtenstein,” the directors told The Wrap. “You can really make those worlds come alive. The technology’s there.”
Judging from the concept artwork available thus far, the simulated artworks really do capture the essence of the originals. You can help jumpstart Art Story here:
Here’s a behind-the-scenes video: