Studio B Prods. has signed on to develop High Drama High, an animated series for TELETOON in Canada. The show is created by Jillianne Reinseth and Jennifer Daley. Reinseth has been a development and production exec on Fairly Oddparents for Nickelodeon, Kim Possible, Lilo & Stitch and W.I.T.C.H. for Disney Channel and Kid vs. Kat for Studio B. Daley’s writing credits include Robson Arms and Mustard Pancakes.
High Drama High aims to entertain kids 9-14 with the humorous exploits of Jessica and Ben, two freshmen at High Drama High who are determined to ascend to the top of the social ladder. Armed with a yearbook from the previous year, they’ve worked all summer to concoct the perfect plan to follow the exact paths of the most popular kids who came before them.
‘High Drama High is an original take on the cliques and personalities that dominate high school life,’ says Michael Goldsmith, director original content for TELETOON Canada. ‘With its smart writing and style sensibilities, I’m sure it will prove popular with our tween audiences.’
Headquartered in Vancouver, Studio B Prods., a production subsidiary of DHX Media Ltd., produces such popular animated series as Ricky Sprocket ‘ Showbiz Boy, Being Ian, The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers, Class of the Titans and George of the Jungle, a co-venture with Classic Media that is seen on Cartoon Network U.S. Studio B’s new properties include Martha Speaks, a co-production with WGBH Boston that launched on PBS KIDS, and Kid vs. Kat, an original series with YTV and Jetix Europe.