Mounia Aram, founder of African animation distribution & production specialist Mounia Aram Company, and France's Gobelins, named the world's top-ranked animation school of 2022...
Following on from the successful Let Your Voices Roar Animation Training in East Africa, The Ladima Foundation, in partnership with Culture and Development East...
Tag along for a laugh-out-loud African adventure with Akissi: A Funny Little Brother, premiering on Boomerang Africa on Thursday, June 16 at 8:45 CAT.
U.K.-based sales outfit SC Films International has added a new title to its stable of family animation, picking up international sales rights to the...
The Ladima Foundation, in partnership with Culture and Development East Africa (CDEA) and the Kwetu International Animation Film Festival (KIAFF), has announced the 10...
Wacky adventure, nonstop laughter and the occasional pull-up await viewers when Cartoon Network Africa debuts its new soccer themed animated kids' comedy Coach Me...
Cartoon Network Africa is introducing viewers to a pair of quirky and curious animal pals in new original animated series Bionic Max, premiering next...
Multi-Emmy-winning company Baboon Animation has created a new branch, Baboon Animation Africa (BAA), partnering with the well-established African Animation Network (AAN) to build a...
In a first time format for the event, the hybrid Cape Town International Animation Festival (CTIAF) was a resounding success. Presented by Animation SA,...
Abidjan-based animation house Afrika Toon is readying the second season of Little Pokou (La Petite Pokou), continuing the adventures of a young girl whose...
The Ladima Foundation has announced a partnership with Culture and Development East Africa (CDEA) and the Kwetu International Animation Film Festival (KIAFF) designed to...
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