Emma Calder, an award-winning independent British filmmaker and children's book illustrator known for her mixed-media and collage animated works, has died at age 65...
Rachael Lillis, who provided the English-language voices of beloved Pokémon animated series characters Misty and Jessie, as well as Jigglypuff, has died at age...
Noriko Ohara (Noriko Tobe), a multifaceted Japanese performer known in anime circles for providing the voice of Nobita in Doraemon, died July 12 from...
The animation community is mourning the passing of much-loved New York-based animator, cartoonist, historian and teacher (Parsons School of Design and School of Visual...
Nancy MacKenzie, the prolific actress and voice-over artist who has been the Spanish dub voice of Marge in FOX's record-breaking animated sitcom The Simpsons in...
Disney Legend Richard M. Sherman, half of the Oscar-winning songwriting team of the Sherman Brothers (with his late brother, Disney Legend Robert B. Sherman),...
News has surfaced that cult film special effects master Roger Dicken, known for his work on Ridley Scott's iconic 1979 pic Alien, has died. The 84-year-old...
Oscar-winning visual effects artist and Sony Pictures Imageworks founding member Tim McGovern, whose many studio feature credits include Total Recall, First Man and Dunkirk,...
Oscar-nominated stop-motion animator Eli Noyes (Clay, or The Origin of Species) who also worked on MTV’s influential Liquid Television anthology and HBO’s Braingames, passed...
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