Nickelodeon is looking for preschool-targeted comedy gold for Nick Jr.’s 2014 Animated Shorts Program. Prospective short filmmakers have until April 28, 2014 to submit their concepts for consideration. Concepts should follow these creative guidelines:
- Include strong characters that appeal to both boys and girls between the ages of 2-5 years old.
- Avoid stereotyping of any kind.
- Be respectful of preschooler’s development, gearing humor and content to the audience.
- Be visually stimulating and push the conventions of design.
- Avoid topics and issues that date and link the series to a particular time and/or fad.
- Include no more than 2-3 characters
- Run between 90 seconds and 2 minutes in length and primarily take place in one setting.
Most of all, make it funny (to preschoolers, at least)! To see further details or submit your concept, see