Panzner Offers Up an Excellent, New ‘LHOOQ’

If you’re looking for a thought-provoking new read that focuses on arts, literature, music, dance, and yes, animation, you should definitely check out talented animation producer/director/digital artist Christopher Panzner’s new venture LHOOQ. The premiere issue of the bi-annual digital magazine offers some wonderful and lengthy articles on a variety of subjects, including the art of drag racing, historical revisionism of hip hop, the movement against science, dance in the digital age, Marshall McLuhan and Walter Benjamin, and indie Canadian animation. Mike Fallows, Chris Robinson and L. Elliot Taylor are three of the artists interviewed in this fascinating and must-read piece.

As Panzner explains in the premiere issue’s letter from the editor, “LHOOQ magazine is a celebration… of pioneers, adventurers, great souls, heroes; of unique and extraordinary destinies. With a focus on the creative in every domain, contemporary and historical, LHOOQ is a forum, a party, a place to meet friends and strangers, locally and globally.”

He adds, “The byline is “mindstyle”–as in “lifestyle”–for the bio-interior decorator. Although primarily an arts (drawing, painting, sculpture, Illustration, sequential art, animation, printmaking, architecture, design, photography, theatre, dance, fashion, digital media, etc.) and literature (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, letters, reporting, interviews, etc.) magazine, it is pluridisciplinary. It can be almost any subject, from business and finance to hard science and medicine, from philosophy and religion to leisure and sports. And almost any style, from scholarly to gonzo.”

LHOOQ magazine
LHOOQ magazine

We wish Panzner the best of luck with this exciting new venture. To find out for yourself and refresh your mind with Panzner’s wonderful mix of the artistic and the sublime, visit