Lynne Southerland serves as executive producer of “Disney Jr.’s Ariel,” an animated musical series inspired by “The Little Mermaid” that follows young mermaid princess Ariel as she embarks on fun-filled, action-packed adventures with her friends throughout their Caribbean-inspired fairytale kingdom of Atlantica.
A seasoned director and producer, Southerland began her career as an editor for live-action feature films before transitioning to a career in animation. Her notable credits include co-directing “Mulan II,” the sequel to Disney’s award-winning animated feature “Mulan,” and producing the Annie Award-winning “An Extremely Goofy Movie” and acclaimed animated series “Happily Ever After: Fairytales for Every Child.”
Her additional animation credits include “Bebe’s Kids,” “Hunchback of Notre Dame 2,” “The Road to El Dorado,” “Aristocrats 2,” “Enchantimals: Tales from Everwilde” and “Monster High: Adventures of the Ghoul Squad.”
A Philadelphia native, Southerland currently resides in Los Angeles.
2024 has been quite a fruitful year in the preschool animation landscape as several top-quality new shows have premiered on various streamers and cable and linear outlets. We’ll spotlight some of the show-runners behind these to understand how they created, developed and produced the shows, and to highlight some of the key steps you need to take to bring an inclusive, creative, inspiring and entertaining animated show to today’s preschool audiences and their parents.