Vicky Jenson is the director of Spellbound, the upcoming animated fantasy adventure film from Skydance Animation debuting later this year on Netflix. Vicky’s cross-discipline career extends from animation to live action, television to feature films, shorts, and commercial work. Vicky served in design and art direction roles on projects including The Ren and Stimpy Show and as production designer on both live action and animated features such as Ferngully: The Last Rainforest and The Road to El Dorado. She made her directorial debut with Shrek, which became the first film to win the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.
While directing the Academy Award-nominated film Shark Tale, Vicky also directed her live action debut short, Family Tree. The short premiered at Sundance and screened at festivals worldwide, including SXSW, Aspen, Edinburgh, and Melbourne, winning a number of awards. Vicky then directed her first live-action comedy, Post Grad, for Ivan Reitman’s Montecito Pictures and Fox Searchlight.
Vicky returned to animation with Spellbound which marks her third animated feature as director.
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