20th Television Animation has promoted Chris Cikowski to Vice President, Animation, Deadline reports. The new veep's assignments include current Fox series Duncanville and The...
CCO/President of Content for MTV Entertainment Group Nina L. Diaz is expanding her role with a promotion to Chief Creative Officer for Unscripted Entertainment...
The annual Kidscreen Awards ceremony was held virtually on Tuesday, hosted by actor/comedian Emma Hunter and exclusively sponsored by the Canada Media Fund. The...
The next big adult animated comedy heading to Netflix, Hoops has revealed a first-look teaser alongside the release date and new cast members announcement...
FOX Entertainment has ordered a second season of the recently debuted animated series Duncanville, to air during the 2021-2022 season. From Emmy Award and...
The official trailer for upcoming Hulu adult animated series Solar Opposites has officially crash-landed on our unprepared planet, ready to laser blast your eyeballs...
Apple released the official trailer from Central Park, the new animated musical comedy series from Emmy Award winner Loren Bouchard (Bob’s Burgers, Home Movies),...
Hulu announced that it will premiere several new DreamWorks animated titles at the TV Critics Association press event today. As a new streaming home...
FOX Entertainment has ordered a second season of the new animated series Bless the Harts, to air during the 2020-2021 season. With animation serving...
Fox Entertainment has acquired Emmy Award-winning production company Bento Box Entertainment, the animation studio behind the channel’s hit series Bob’s Burgers and upcoming animated...
Disney Television Studios including Twentieth Century Fox Television, ABC Studios and Fox 21 Television Studios takes over the San Diego Comic-Con convention with stars...
At Tuesday’s combined Walt Disney Television Upfront presentation, Freeform showcased its commitment to bold original content like live-action hit grown-ish as well as affirming...
Lizzie and Wendy Molyneux, Emmy Award-winning executive producers and writers for hit toon Bob’s Burgers, have scored a three-year overall deal with the show’s...
Writing, directing and producing duo Phil Lord and Chris Miller (Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, The LEGO Movie, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse) have...
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