Nora Smith, an animation producer who has won two Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Animation Program with Bob’s Burgers (and four additional nominations), has...
The International Animated Film Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, announced nominations today for its 46th Annual Annie Awards, recognizing the year’s best in the field of animation....
20th Century Fox Television has appointed veteran executive Marci Proietto to the newly created position of Executive Vice President of Animation. She will continue...
Netflix continues to pile adult-target animated series onto its upcoming slate plate, announcing Wednesday a new 10 x 30’ series titled Hoops, starring Jake...
FOX has given a straight-to-series order to a new half-hour animated comedy series from Emmy-winning writer Emily Spivey (The Last Man on Earth, Parks...
The Television Academy announced today the juried award winners for the 70th Emmy Awards in the categories of Animation and Motion Design. The juried...
Organizers of the Kidscreen Summit 2018, taking place Feb. 12-15 in Miami, FL (, have announced the nominees for the upcoming children/teen TV awards....
FOX TV has placed an order for an animated series script and pilot presentation from actor-producer Amy Poehler and her Paper Kite Productions (Broad...
Bento Box Entertainment and Loren Bouchard's Wilo Productions are bringing Bob's Burgers Live! back to Los Angeles for a special event following last year's...
The Kidscreen Summit has presented some very special Valentine's to deserving kids' entertainment titles, as the annual Kidscreen Awards ceremony was celebrated Tuesday night.
Marvel’s invasion of the airwaves is intensifying with the announcement that Fox is developing a series tentatively titled Hellfire and its sister network FX...
20th Century Fox Television will feed fans’ insatiable appetites for Bob’s Burgers with a seventh and eighth season of the hit animated sitcom. Created...
The Simpsons' record setting run just got a little bit longer and a little more record-setting-er.
Fox has renewed the long running animated series for...
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