Today, at the packed panel “Adapting Fan Favorites: A Conversation with Prime Video’s Adult Animation Creators” at San Diego Comic-Con, Prime Video announced additional...
Hazbin Hotel, the animated, musical, adult-targeted dark-comedy spawned by an indie pilot on YouTube (which racked up 90+ million views), is the biggest-ever global...
Today, A24 Music and Prime Video shared the second single, “Poison,” from the highly anticipated adult animation series Hazbin Hotel. The high-energy pop track is...
Prime Video today announced that adult animation fans have a special post-holiday treat to look forward to, as Vivienne Medrano's Hazbin Hotel has made a...
Prime Video announced today that it has greenlit a two-season order of the new adult animated musical comedy series Hazbin Hotel from Vivienne Medrano, A24...
The Critics Choice Association (CCA) announced today the film category nominees for the 28th Annual Critics Choice Awards. The winners will be revealed at an...
The Best Animated Feature Oscar race will certainly have a broad pool of techniques represented this year!
Having reviewed background materials provided by the filmmakers,...
***This feature originally appeared in the December '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 325)***
Which animated features are going for Oscar gold on March 13,...
Marking the third anniversary of the webtoon's original pilot debut, creator Vivienne Medrano (a.k.a. VivziePop) shared that fans can go straight back to Hell...
The nominees for the 50th Saturn Awards for film, television, streaming and home entertainment have been announced. Marvel Studios live-action titles dominated the Film...
Cinema's most adorable mollusk is lending an extra special touch to Alamo Drafthouse screenings of Marcel the Shell with Shoes On , with the Jenny Slate...
***This article originally appeared in the 35th Anniversary Issue of Animation Magazine (June-July '22, No. 321)***
In August of 2010, director Dean Fleischer-Camp and his...
DreamWorks Animation and Mainframe Studios' brand-new preschool series Team Zenko Go has officially launched on Netflix, where the gadget-savvy do-gooders are leaping into action...
***This article originally appeared in the January '22 issue of Animation Magazine (No. 316)***
With no magical crystal ball available and lacking the ability to...
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