Akira creator Katsuhiro Otomo will present parts of his new Short Peace anthology project at the upcoming Hiroshima Intl. Animation Festival. Produced by the...
LAIKA studio’s second feature, ParaNorman, is an original stop-motion horror story for kids of all ages.
One of the most noticeable shifts in the Stateside...
Acclaimed stop-motion house Aardman Animations (Wallace and Gromit, The Pirates! Band of Misfits) have announced the creation of their own iTunes App!
The App, called...
The U.K. government announced yesterday that it’s working on offering tax credits for high-end dramas and animation produced in the country. Chancellor George Osborne...
Aardman Animations, the Bristol, U.K.-based animation powerhouse behind last year’s Arthur Christmas, have announced changes to their upcoming stop-motion 3-D feature The Pirates! Band...
Aardman Animations’ hilarious (and Oscar-winning) stop-motion duo are coming to home entertainment shelves in their new six-part series Wallace & Gromit’s World of Invention....
ITV has begun airing a new animated promo for its charity initiative Text Santa created by Aardman. ITV Creative worked alongside industry experts Lambie-Nairn...
Speaking to the BBC and Deadline.com, Aardman Animations’ head of TV Miles Bullough warned that the Bristol-based shop may have to produce its beloved...
Those crafty folks at beloved U.K. animation studio Aardman Animations are offering up delightful new CG toon for their fans: Pete Peake’s Pythagasaurus. The...
Acclaimed Brit studio Aardman Animations has completed The Itch of the Golden Nit, a production with Tate Media, using the animation software CelAction2D. The...
Six international ads have been nominated for the 2011 Animated Com Award, with winners to be announced in conjunction with the 18th Stuttgart Festival...
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